Vitamins and Minerals in the right mix – together with the best fatty acids we could find. A package composed to give you optimal uptake and results.
1595 kr
Vitamins and Minerals in the right mix – together with the best fatty acids we have been able to find
A package composed to give you optimal uptake and results. This is the package for you who do not compromise on your body’s needs. The package is intended for you who want to build up your levels or sports at an elite level. This corresponds to 2 shakers per day, according to the original recipe that you find in your health journal.
To restore balance in fatty acids requires about 100 days. Restoring balances in vitamin and mineral levels usually takes 4-6 months if you do not consume unusually much through, for example, intense sports.
Then you can advantageously use the maintenance dose.
1 pc Laddad
1 pc Livlig
1 pc ArcticMed Omega-3 Premium
For detailed information – see the respective product.
Free shipping within Sweden.
If you choose a subscription: The cheaper subscription price applies to at least 3 deliveries. Thereafter, the subscription can be canceled without notice. The most common is that you need 4-6 months to give the body a chance to replenish its reserves and start healing processes. Then check your levels to see if you can go down to the maintenance dose on each product.
Vitamins and minerals in the right mix - along with the best fatty acids we could find. This is the package for those who do not compromise on their body's needs. The package is designed
Vitamins and minerals in the perfect mix! A package put together to give you optimal uptake and results.
Vitamins and minerals in the perfect mix + fatty acids. A package compiled to give you optimal uptake and results.
Mineralstationen is a fully Swedish knowledge and wholesale company that develops and sells high-quality food supplements based on natural raw materials. Our retailers are mainly well-trained health and nutritional therapists in various fields of expertise and gyms with a high level of knowledge in nutrition.