
Regional manager

Here you can find the right contact in Sweden.

Get in touch to find out more about becoming a representative or dealer for the Mineral Station.

Lena Helgstedt

Regional Manager Stockholm

Cindy Stoa

Regional Manager Västra Götaland – Bohuslän

Mia Falk

Regional Manager Halland – Skåne

Marie Malmsjö

Regional Manager Skåne – Halland

Fredrik Örneus

Regional Manager Örebro – Närke

Madelene Hellman

Regional Manager Östergötland

Eva Olausson

Regional Manager Dalarna

Anders Iskristall

Training & Start-up – Sweden

Become a reseller

Do you also love to help others feel better? Are you always eager to learn more? Then you are probably someone we want to work with.

We at the Mineral Station work with several different types of therapists. What we all have in common is our belief that it is results and natural ways of being healthy that count. We are not here to sell as much as possible – we are here to spread real health.

We value our skills and our goal is to make a difference. That’s why we expect to work both sustainably – and to be compensated for our performance.

Fill in your details and we will contact you for a short assessment.

Do you have questions and want to get in touch with us by phone?
Please contact Anders Iskristall on 070-364 40 03.